
Should All Pakistani Students Studying in Universities Complete A Year of Community Service

                  Our universities are like our mothers. They take our grooming factor to heights. They build up our communication skills. They tell us how to present things in front of others. They make up our body languages and most of all they take our confidence to infinity by removing all hesitations. Our universities especially public sectors provide us international level degree at very low and affordable cost which help us avail great opportunities. They polish our skills and make us able to do something creative and extraordinary. Universities nourish and groom us for years and surely, they have right over any one year of our life as well. We get services and nourishment from our universities and government.                We are quite lucky we because we got such things in our lives but there are millions of children on roads in Pakistan. Those students aren't lucky enough to get care from our society or government. They don't get proper nourishment. They don'

Applied Physics Books

These Books are recommended by Sir. MASOOD UL HASSAN. Book and Solution manual is available for download below. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Giancoli, Dougla Download Manual Giancoli Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4th Edition Download

Applied Thermodynamics Books

These Books are recommended by SIr Sajid & other teachers for Thermodynamics. Book and Solution manual is available for download below. These Notes are used by Sir for Lectures, you can download them below. Lecture Notes  Download Thermodynamics Lab Lab Experiments Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 Experiment 9 Complete Lab Manual Complete Manual - Thermodynamics 

Teaching Learning Environment

                              There are two opinions about the fact that the existing system of education is in shambles. Almost daily the colleges and universities are getting into news, not for research or scholastic achievements but for strikes, protests, processions, gheraos of the Vice Chancellors and Principals and other non-Academic matters. Hardly any university or college, in any part of the country, has been totally free from this infection. The students are on the war path. They are to fight battles, for which any excuses are good enough. The main reason for Youth’s rebelliousness is that the syllabi and textbooks are hopelessly outdated. The students find them pointless and irrelevant to the present needs and future requirements. Examinations were meant for education, now the whole educational process is geared only for examination.                                As far as learning and teaching is concerned, building a good learning environment means taking into account b

Types Of Paragrapgh

Process Paragraph. How to be in Shape After completing my college life when I entered in professional education, it revealed to me how it was really important to be in shape. We are familiar with a proverb Health is Wealth. We learn we educate ourselves in order to enjoy an adventurous life and to meet our needs. But is it possible to achieve anything without being physically fit? No, It's not possible.One needs to be fit to attain every goal and work hard. My environment and profession demand to be physically as well as mentally fit. So,I decided to start dieting and went to a nutritionist in order to reduce my weight by quitting eating. But she changed my mindset by saying one cannot maintain by quitting eating rather it leads to sickness and weakness. She advised me to make a healthy diet plan and find a way to enjoy exercise. She told me that fit people find a way to actually enjoy their workout. I followed her words and got in a shape within two months. I follo

Calculus Books

These Books are recommended by Teachers for Calculus. Book and Solution manual is available for download below. Thomas CALCULUS 12th Edition   Download Solution Manual for 12th Edition Thomas Calculus Download

Verilog HDL using Data Flow

Verilog codes using Data Flow Create 4x1 Mux using Data Flow Module module Four_by_One(     output out,     input i0,     input i1,     input i2,     input i3,     input s0,     input s1     );       assign out = (s1)?(s0?i3:i2):(s0?i1:i0); endmodule Test Bench module Test_Four_by_One; reg I0,I1,I2,I3; reg S1,S0; wire OUT; Four_by_One mymux(OUT,I0,I1,I2,I3,S1,S0); initial begin I0=1;I1=0;I2=0;I3=1; #10  S1=0;S0=0; #10  S1=0;S0=1; #10  S1=1;S0=0; #10  S1=1;S0=1; end endmodule Create 16x1 using Data Flow using 4x1 Module module Sixteen_by_One(     output out,     input i0,     input i1,     input i2,     input i3,     input i4,     input i5,     input i6,     input i7,     input i8,     input i9,     input i10,     input i11,     input i12,     input i13,     input i14,     input i15,     input s0,     input s1     );     wire out1,out2,out3,ou4;     ass