Should All Pakistani Students Studying in Universities Complete A Year of Community Service

                  Our universities are like our mothers. They take our grooming factor to heights. They build up our communication skills. They tell us how to present things in front of others. They make up our body languages and most of all they take our confidence to infinity by removing all hesitations. Our universities especially public sectors provide us international level degree at very low and affordable cost which help us avail great opportunities. They polish our skills and make us able to do something creative and extraordinary. Universities nourish and groom us for years and surely, they have right over any one year of our life as well. We get services and nourishment from our universities and government.                We are quite lucky we because we got such things in our lives but there are millions of children on roads in Pakistan. Those students aren't lucky enough to get care from...

Types Of Paragrapgh

close up photography of brown jukebox letter keys

Process Paragraph.

How to be in Shape

After completing my college life when I entered in professional education, it revealed to me how it was really important to be in shape. We are familiar with a proverb Health is Wealth.
We learn we educate ourselves in order to enjoy an adventurous life and to meet our needs. But is it possible to achieve anything without being physically fit? No, It's not possible.One needs to be fit to attain every goal and work hard. My environment and profession demand to be physically as well as mentally fit. So,I decided to start dieting and went to a nutritionist in order to reduce my weight by quitting eating. But she changed my mindset by saying one cannot maintain by quitting eating rather it leads to sickness and weakness. She advised me to make a healthy diet plan and find a way to enjoy exercise. She told me that fit people find a way to actually enjoy their workout. I followed her words and got in a shape within two months. I followed a proper diet plan, had enough sleep to stay fresh. This realized me that Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. I could internally feel the peace and satisfaction. I enjoyed my workouts and stayed active in my daily life matters. I spent quality time with my family members and friends instead of sticking to the social media all the time and lying on the bed for most of the time which led me to obesity. These things not only helped me getting fit physically but I also enjoyed mental fitness!

Classification paragraph


 A man has three fathers. One who brings us to this world, one who gives his daughter to you, and one who educates you.” – Prophet PBUH. Teacher has its own importance in this society. The most respectable person of the society is known to be the teacher. A teacher guides us and provides us with best ever manners and learning. Right from the day we start our education, we come across many different teachers. Students start liking teacher according to their own perspective. They classify their teachers into different categories. Some are friendly, some are ideal, some are lenient, and some are strict. Students categorized them according to the impact the leave on them. As we know, a friendly teacher is one who is kind and educates us in friendly way. He/she provides such a friendly environment that the students enjoy learning and studying within. Strict teacher is the one who has a blunt impression on the students and remain very tough. Students get cautious of such teachers. Such teacher is himself cautious of all the norms as well as follows the discipline. He/she expects the same his students and wants them to do what he him/herself does. The lenient teachers are the ones, the students admire the most. Because students enjoy their class, as it is always easygoing. Students also cooperate with such teachers. In the end, the Ideal teacher is the one whom student idealizes and wants to become like them. The one students respect his/her from the core of heart. Such teacher always remains friendly and always boosts the morale of their students. They always motivate their students and never castigate them.

Contrast or Comparison Paragraph. 

Online vs Traditional Education.

The word “University or college” make us think of students sitting in large class rooms or lecture halls but thinking has been out dated as technology has provided us more and easier ways of studying. Online education has changed out lifestyles, methods, costs and sources of teaching to a great deal but it has both advantages and disadvantages. Online education offers flexibility to students. Students can mold their classes of their own accord, it doesn’t bound us to go to specific places as traditional education did. Online education allows you to work and study at same time but its hard with traditional education as most of firms have working hours at day time and it matches with your university timing too so it becomes difficult for students to do so. If we are capable enough to do more work it allows us to complete our course faster, we don’t have to wait for a week for our next class. We can do it quite faster! It also gives access to more university and colleges as you can do it from home and you don’t need to go different cities and countries just like traditional education to attend classes. We are not afraid of missing classes as we always get backup for that but beside all these things it also have some major drawbacks, when it comes to discipline and motivation, you should be highly motivated to study that course otherwise its not for you as its going to take a lot more of your time because your personal responsibilities have increased whereas students in traditional education have more opportunities to stay motivated and cover things on time. In online education we don’t have any kind of social interaction as we are only linked with videos while in traditional education we have direct interaction with our facility members and class fellows, beside this we also get hands on experience which we lack in online education. Both educations have different advantages but still most of the students prefer to get traditional education worldwide.
