Should All Pakistani Students Studying in Universities Complete A Year of Community Service

                  Our universities are like our mothers. They take our grooming factor to heights. They build up our communication skills. They tell us how to present things in front of others. They make up our body languages and most of all they take our confidence to infinity by removing all hesitations. Our universities especially public sectors provide us international level degree at very low and affordable cost which help us avail great opportunities. They polish our skills and make us able to do something creative and extraordinary. Universities nourish and groom us for years and surely, they have right over any one year of our life as well. We get services and nourishment from our universities and government.                We are quite lucky we because we got such things in our lives but there are millions of children on roads in Pakistan. Those students aren't lucky enough to get care from...

About Me

Our Mission

Our mission is a very humble one. Our main objective is to make learning so simple that even those who have absolutely no background in coding can learn it in a reasonable time-period. 

We have also put together practice questions at the end of each part of a course so that you can learn to apply the concepts just after you have understood them. Last but not the least, there is also a forum for discussion each and every doubt – big or small – that you have so that you can also remain in touch with us 24/7, or at least as frequently as possible.

Start from the basics:

It is said that your success doesn’t depend on where you start from, and we live by that saying. Hence, we have designed our courses in such a way that you don’t need any pre-requisite knowledge whatsoever to take them. We start from the very basics of coding and go on steadily so that any and everybody can keep pace with their course.

Practice means perfection

There are questions at the end of each topic that can be understood and answered only by practicing them, no amount of theoretical knowledge would help here. And believe us, in the end when you have mastered those questions, you will be longing for more of them. So practice as much as you can, and them some more, to understand the true beauty of the world of coding.


There is a forum dedicated especially to clearing any doubts you have while completing the courses. You can, and should ask even the tiniest doubts you have – doubting your doubts isn’t a good idea anyway – regarding the concepts and logic applied. And they will be dispensed by the guides or others taking part in the discussion, after all that is the main aim of a forum.
